As parents, you face a dilemma in the effort to raise “nice kids”. It’s not unusual (or strange!) to shower love and affection on children, while other family members join in on the process, all reinforcing mild-mannered, cooperative, and non-aggressive behavior in them. One could easily say this is a…
Be All You Can Be – In Martial Arts
Years ago, the US Army advertised recruitment through a concept: Be all that you can be: Join the Army. A catchy tune accompanied this slogan, making the ad memorable. When the new messaging became “An Army of One”, the feeling wasn’t the same. After all, who wants to be stranded…
Achieving Black Belt Excellence In Your Karate Training
Whatever difficulties arise on the path toward achieving Black Belt Excellence, you can overcome them with practice. Your Martial Arts training is the process of acquiring skills necessary to triumph over the inner and outer obstacles of life. In this effort, you find real gains in character development. We call…